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Olimp — this is
  • Comfortable restaurant «Tanais»

    in which only organic products

  • Hotel «Olimp»

    We always have hot water!

Virtual tour


Hotel “Olymp” invites all billiard fans to visit a cozy Billiard room with excellent service. Experts of this sport will notice the unique table made by special order: the foundation of playing field is an absolutely flat marble plate covered with Belgian billiard baize that allows the ball roll softly. Sufficient rigidity provides a good bound. The table has all the characteristic features of professional billiards.

We afford using accessories and billiard cues for the fans of the game. Billiard players of hotel “Olymp” who have their own cues can use a safe to keep it.

We are glad to see newcomers and professional players!

Sport fans can use satellite TV in a spacious leisure area. During some sport events you can see a lot of fans of professional sport as all championships are transmitted on a widescreen plasma.

After billiards you should visit neighboring halls where you can enjoy exquisite dishes and drinks.

You can book a billiard table in advance by the phone 8 (47364) 9-2222