Reserve a room
Olimp — this is
  • Comfortable restaurant «Tanais»

    in which only organic products

  • Hotel «Olimp»

    We always have hot water!

Virtual tour


At your disposal are the best services of the best hotel.

Inside the hotel there’s all the conveniences for organization of business-lunches, meetings, conferences and presentations: a lobby bar, a cozy banquet-hall housing 20 people and a well-equipped conference hall.

On the second floor of the hotel one can find a spacious restaurant “Tanais”, where it is pleasant to spend time with a big company or tet-a-tet. Attentive service, diversified menu and a rich collection of drinks will satisfy any taste. Elegant table appointment made by professional waiters, elite dishes and cutlery Villeroy & Boch, beautiful textile on wide windows and tables
won’t leave indifferent even the most demanded customer.

Fans of traditional Russian leisure time can use a SPA-room, where you can find sauna and Turkish bath, a swimming pool, and a lounge. You can visit the complex both with a payment on an hour and a twenty-four-hour basis.

And of course, it’s impossible to imagine our leisure time without billiards! At your disposal there is a billiard room with a professional table made of natural materials, comfortable leisure area, satellite TV and many more.